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Bartosz Żołyński (aka Bago Zonde) is the guy behind Commocore. He's enthusiastic, mostly one-man army who loves to code, do graphics and music, and is fully devoted to Commodore 64 computer machines. Born in the beautiful southern part of Poland, currently living in the Netherlands.

Commocore is a software house for open source projects, innovations and new Commodore 64 games. You can play them on real Commodore 64 computer or use one of many emulators for your PC, Linux, Mac, Amiga or mobile devices - it's that simple!

Through game development, open source projects, graphic art and hardware design we want to get involved in Commodore community and make more people fall in love with this machine! It's worth it for sure! We want to encourage other developers as well as promote and share our experience and ideas. It's great to create, innovate, and share within a thriving community and this is what we want to do. We're wired to the machine that comes from the early eighties, still exists, and is gaining more and more support. Possibilities are infinite.

You love your C64? You should let us know about yourself!

E-mail us. Actually, you should do it now:
contact[one happy monkey]commocore.com

Face us at www.facebook.com/Commocore or tweet with us at https://twitter.com/Commocore. You can also meet us on https://www.instagram.com/commocore/.

This site is fully compatible with Contiki web browser thanks to Petscii package, so you can easily read content, use search engine and even download files by WGET directly to your C64!

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